BANDAR LAMPUNG (Lampost): happy news for madrasah teachers and religious teachers who pass the certification in 2008 and earlier. The disbursement of funds allowances professional lives waiting guidelines (guidelines) and the technical guidelines (technical guidelines).
Head Office of the Ministry of Religious Affairs (of the Ministry Kakanwil) Provinsi Lampung Sya'roni Ma'shum, accompanied Head of Religious Education and Madrasah Abdurahman said that on Tuesday (31-3) in Bandar Lampung.
"Now, the head section and the Facilities Section Kuriukum are meeting in Jakarta to discuss the operational and technical guidelines for the payment allowance professional civil servants, teachers and lecturers and non-civil servant in the environment of the Ministry," said Rahman, Abdurahman greeting.
He explains his side to receive a letter from the Department of Religion SJ/BI/KU.00.2/756/2009 numbered on March 19, Payment of Allowances of Professional Teachers and Lecturers PNS / non-civil servant in the Ministry of Religion.
In a letter signed by the Secretary General of the Ministry Bahrul Hayat, the two points on the Minister of Finance has approved the payment allowance professional civil servants, teachers and lecturers / non-civil servant with the Ministry of Religious Affairs until June 2009, pending the settlement of the president about it.
According to Rahman, who passed the certification of teachers and will receive a professional allowance for civil servants, teachers and teachers of 2,936 non-civil servants, 942 people. Funds that are in dianggarakan DIPA (list of fields of the budget) for civil servants, teachers Rp70, 464 billion and the funds budgeted for non-civil servants, teachers Rp22, 608 billion.
"Professional allowances for teachers in non-civil servants will be transferred to the account of each teacher. While the funding of civil service teachers in cairkan through the work of the teacher or teaching," he said.
Offices based on the data of the Ministry, since 2006 - 2008, the number of teachers who receive an allowance of 75 professional people. They are all non-civil servants, teachers, professionals and receive benefits for 6 months. "Now we wait to stay operational and technical guidelines. Once they get out, we immediately cairkan funds," he said.
He added technical guidelines and operational guidelines will serve as the basis for disbursement of funds allowances profession, ie, whether the funds are disbursed every three months or six months. The hope that the operational and technical guidelines immediately liquid as a reference of funds.
(Taken From Lampung Post, Wednesday April 1st 2009 & Translated by using Google Translation without any editting - to let you know the original translation result - may it can be used by you as a tool to make the translation process faster. Note : Don't Forget to edit the translation in order to get a satisfying output)